Virtual option
Want to support the race but aren't able to attend in person? Register for the virtual option and pick up your race items at packet pickup or choose to have them mailed to you. Cost for shipping and handling will be $7.99. Submit your time by July 17 at 11:00am
Download the IYR Virtual App - Use the app on your run, walk, or roll and your time will upload automatically to the race site when you finish your registered distance!

Or add your time manually - Add your time by finding your name on the results page. Make sure you choose the virtual race from the drop down.
If you need additional support with this, check out this helpful site or send an email to Key Sports!
Covid changes:
While things have change greatly since this race last year, there are some changes that we still have to follow. Please take a moment and review the guidance we will be following, as well as review the bullet points below. As with anything covid related, this guidance may change. Prior to participating in the event, we encourage you to revisist this site for any updates. If you have any questions, please let us know.
- There will not be any onsite registration. Online registration will remain open until 7:50am on race day. If you have questions about this or prefer to pay via cash or check, please send us a message.
- Start line will be spread out to maximize distance between participants.
- We are not currently offering a water stop. This may change and we'll update accordingly.
- Results will be posted online only.
- We're currently planning to offer age group awards and will encourage folks to spread out in the park during the ceremony. This may change and we'll update accordingly.
- Participant will be required to follow the State of Ohio Guidance noted above, with the understanding that this may change prior to the event. Our pre-race email will have reminders about current state guidelines.